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   It seems like that is all we have heard for the last year! Wait, things will get better! Mach of 2020 brought the unexpected. I found a bulletin from March 1st, 2020 filled with plans for dinners, youth trips, couples retreats, Easter programs and after school ministries. A few weeks later our world would came to a screeching halt. Sense then we have been forced to wait.   

   Psalm 62 describes this battle of the soul and gives wise counsel when we are asked to be patient. “Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.”   

   David struggled in a difficult time of his life waiting on God to move. One of the biggest challenges in waiting is watching things spiral out of control and being helpless to change it. Verse 3-4 show the evil in the world and lying spirit that was alive and well surrounding David as he endeavored to honor God and follow Him. Our world has been filled with the same the last 12 months. Truth has been difficult to find and though we pray, God seems to be silent. Urging Christians to wait.   

   David shares the importance of waiting on God. Verse 2-3 proclaim He is our only Rock, Salvation and Defense. To move without Him is to foolishly cast yourself to the wind. The Psalmist reminds us our only hope is in the Lord. The only wise move is to patiently watch for Him. Our mind desires to lead us down a path that opposes that of a faithful servant and we can be easily confused by our emotional state to make hasty decisions without God’s direction. Abraham and Sarah moved without God by allowing Hagar to mother Abrahams first son. King Saul let the pressure of his soldiers and fear drive him to offer the evening sacrifice rather than wait for Samuel, which was God’s command.   

   Remember in the trying times of life we are not waiting on just anyone. We are looking for the God that parted the Red Sea. The Lord that held the sun and moon for Joshua as he battled. The Spirit that moved upon the face of the waters and created life out of nothing. The Christ that Raised Lazarus from the grave after 4 days. The Savior who entered into a borrowed tomb and rose triumphantly to offer us salvation. We are waiting on the only One that can save us.   

   Finally, realize waiting is not to just sit looking for His arrival. Verse 5 reveals to wait is to expect and anticipate God to defend us. Biblical waiting is to be active in what we know to do until He moves in a new direction. I know times are tough, but, wait on the Lord!